Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Life Stress

Life brings a lot of stress. And it brings a lot of happiness. Sometimes it is very difficult to balance the stress out in your life with the happiness. Most times one takes over the other whether it's for the better or worse. Everyone experiences these changes. I know for a fact I do. Sometimes I'm just so happy, extra nice, and just plain in a good mood. It might last for hours, days, or even weeks. Other times I'm down even for reasons I can't explain. I may just walk down the street and start crying. It happened to many times. The stress that life brings can be so unbearable sometimes that you just have to let it out.

There are times when I can feel myself holding in the pain. Smiling when I feel like crying and just simply not showing my emotions. This could be for the good and the bad. I know it's not good to hold in your feelings and its not good to wear them on your sleeves to be abused. But at the moment it feels right. I personally don't know how to deal with stress. Though I have been through it so many times I still have no clue on what the right how to deal with stress may be. I walk away from problems that need to be solved and turn the lights off. Literally I would go in my room and shut everyone out and blast my music in the dark. I would make up my own world in my head. A world I always dreamt of to come true. I would end up so busy in this fairytale I would fall asleep.

1 comment:

  1. Sleep can be the best medicine after a stressful encounter. Your body needs recovery time so, give into the need to relax and just ZZZzzz.
    DRJ 11-Jan-11
