I never really considered writing about my life before you said something. I mean a lot of people once told me and my sisters that we had a crazy life and we should do a movie about it. But I never really thought about it. now I'm considering writing a book or something about it. I have a lot of unusual things that happen in my life. I think the hardest thing about writing a book about my life is having others read. I don't know what my family will think if they read the book I wrote about my life. And of course it will contain them because they are my family. I mean I don't want to start any trouble or any family trouble. But umm I wouldn't even know where to start with my book. I have a lot of events in my life that i would have to write about. For example first meeting my sisters. Well their not my real sisters just best friends I have since forever. I was 11. Before meeting them let me tell you I was a complete loner. Can you believe it? Always stayed in my room and wrote and read. That's all I did literally. I loved to write about things that I wish would come true and I always had these dreams that would feel like reality. I still do have them and it's something I can't control. Like it's a world that I imagine that I was in with made up people and stuff. I know it's pretty weird but don't judge me LoL. So I always used to write about stuff like that and stayed private. So after meeting them they introduced me to the world basically. Not my mom or dad or brothers. I guess they liked it that way. I wasn't grown trying to look cute and trying to get boys attention. I was just a little nerd and a teachers pet. And I guess that's the way they always wanted me to be that's why they never really talked to me about those kind of things. But my sisters yeah you can believe it they did. And I kind of got addicted to it. Got addicted to being in the spot light and coming outside and playing with others. And dressing up really cute to impress boys and actually talking to them. As you can imagine my parents didn't like it at all. To tell you the truth they still don't. They still hesitate and make up excuses when I'm asking to go over their house. As you can I'm older and have a life so they let me go. Their baby girl is getting older.
Friends are the family we choose. How glorious that your friends have helped you explore this beautifully, crazy world of ours. I can understand your parents not always being on-board when they don't think you are making wise or safe choices for youself.
ReplyDeleteDRJ 02-Feb-11