What Are Good Choices? What Are Bad Choices? How Do We Decide Between Them?
Everyone makes good choices and bad choices. EVERYONE! It's called being an human. The fact is that some make more good choices then bad ones and some don't. It all depends on what you make it. If noone make bad choices how would we know how to truly understand the good choices we make. Think about it. It's like, if it never rained, how could truly be thankful for the sunshine. And how will the rainbow be able to show?
You learn from your mistakes that's how you grow. Of course there are major mistakes and there are minors ones. Such as, doing drugs and getting addicted to herion or something. That's something major. However, things such as, lying to your parents about petty things or even starting a food fight in your school's cafeateria is minor.
How do you choice between good choices and bad choices. Personally I think about the worse thing that could possibily happen in both scenerios and sk myself if it's worth it or not. Soetimes they are not but, sometimes they are. You only live once so you have to make the best out of your life.
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein
ReplyDeleteDRJ 09-Oct-10