Communtiy Service. Communtiy service is helping your community volunitarily. Your not being paid for it, but your giving to the community that helped raised you. Making you community better in many ways.There are many ways you can do community service in your community. You can help at a soup kitchen, helping those who are less fortunate, help at a salvation army, and just tutor those who need help. Many places need volunteers in there community to reach out.
I do a number of community services to give back. I would say the one that work the best, is the one where I'm helping the elderly at Park Ridge Hospital. Something as simple as sitting down and talking and playing games with elders is making a difference. Community service is not hard or a burden, it's just something you have to be committted for. I have had nothing but positive experiences with my community service. It makes me feel very proud of myself at the end of the day. I did something productive with my time such as being a postitve person in someone's life.
Community service is both a choice and a responsibilty. You choose whether or not your up for the job and can handle to amount of responsibilty. Community service is very poor in our country then it is in other countries I believe. We need more people here to give back and help those who are in need.
Your community service sounds like a tremendous opportunity for personal growth.
ReplyDeleteDRJ 23-Sep-10