Tuesday, October 19, 2010


A poem I wrote a few weeks ago. When I found it today I was so shocked. I didn't remember writing it at first, but then I thought about it and remembered. It scared me because I sounded so angry. Things were just on overload in my life and I expressed through words. I wanted to share it with you. I really don't know why but I am. I mean everyone has there breaking point and con't bear the load anymore. So now you can witness mine however, in words.

I'm mad,
I'm frustrated,
But who could I blame?
Myself. Because I'm the one who's living this pain,
I'm tired of being hurt,
I'm tired of being burnt,
I'm tired of being used,
I'm tired of being used when I don't deserve to,
But I'm not blaming you,
I'm blaming me,
I'm not taking my anger out on you, I'm taking it out on me,
Can't you see,
Your the one that's still all smiles,
I'm the one walking around with this fucked up frown,
I'm tired of this shit,
I don't like waking up in the morning,
I just want to quit.

Sorry for the curse words.

1 comment:

  1. Your introduction is absolutely spot-on. It really gives me the background information to feel you in this poem... the curse words edify the depth of your hurt and anger.

    DRJ 07-Nov-10
