What if there was a new law that stated people couldn't speak against government officials?
If there was a new law that stated that people couldn't speak against law officials they might as well start building bigger jails and correctional facilities. It was be a preposterous law and would start many riots. Why? Because every voice needs to be heard. Not one person on this planet is 100% perfect. No one knows absolutely everything that is there to know. We as a whole developed this world. And we as a whole live in this planet together. So every voice needs to be heard. Not just one person because they're living on a higher salary than the rest of us.
And if people couldn't speak against government officials then that would mean they would get away with so much dirt it won't be able to fit under the rug anymore. The law system is already corrupted and that would make it worse. It's bad enough they do dirt and is able to get away with it. This would turn our society upside down. So it is a very bad decision to even attempt to pass such a law. That should be a charge of attempted murder to society in the first degree.
Everyone should have a voice... a successful democracy depends upon it. But keeping in mind, "Knowledge is powerful only in how you use it." D Mayher
ReplyDeleteDRJ 07-Nov-10