Tuesday, October 5, 2010


List everything that comes to your mind about money.

I think too many believe that money is that is needed to have a good life. Money is not everything, it is a contributor to having a good life. Money cannot bring happiness into a relationship or always make your life greener on the other side. It's what you do with your resources and how you let life effect you that determines how good your life is.

Money is like a disaster to this world in many ways. However, it is also a solution to many problems. It has pros and cons like every other thing in this world. It turns people against each other and makes them develop greed and distrust within themselves. How? Because people need it to survive. Everyone wants the wealthy life that is advertised on tv. Living poor is considered, living unhappy. But a lot of people seem to forget the fact that most great memories and friendships/bonds happen when people had nothing.
Of course, everyone wants money, even me. But, it's what you would scarfice for money that matters. Money isn't everything without our self-conscious money wouldn't be anything.
Benjamin Franklin once said "Money never mad a man happy yet, nor will it. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vaccum, it makes one."

1 comment:

  1. Another fine and mature perspective on a controversial topic... it has been said that money truly is the root of all evil.
    DRJ 18-Oct-10
