Thursday, October 14, 2010

The way people think???

Sometimes I just sit back and wonder why people think the way they do. I bet people think the same thing about me. Why does that girl at such a young age think the way she does? However, I don't know if it's my environment or if it's people in general. It seems to me that most people look at their lives like they are victims in a vicious world. Not as superior authors of their own greatness. Living day by day under what someone else rules and expectations is you playing the victim Think about it, do you set out expectations for them to follow and go by everyday. I'm not saying that a 9-5 job and living day by day is not right but it's boring. Show your true identity. Live for yourself. Not for what society tells you. I'm tired of great people hiding their true identities under their own insecurities"-Abidicus

Another great one.

"You can't change someone's mind, but you can change the way they think and their perspective on life as a whole"-Takara Newsome

1 comment:

  1. Your picture for this entry is worth a thousand words... I am so totally visual and this pic is spot-on-- so is your own quote!
    DRJ 11-Nov-11
