Sunday, December 5, 2010

Everything is impossible until somebody does it

I love this because it's true and inspirational. It's makes you want to do the impossible. Like proving that humans can rally fly or something.

When you really sit and think about it everything was considered impossible at one point in time. Even right now. Look atat what we are using to blog. Computers. At a point in absurde people thought the invention on computers were absurd. Until somebody proved it otherwise. So thats we have to do. Prove against the impossible. Just like that poem the rose that grew from the concrete. Nobody expects for such a beautiful rose to grow from such a hard place. It went passed the expectations of society.

Just like the rose we must do the impossible and make it possible. Everything that is believed isn't true.

1 comment:

  1. Discouragement and doubt are very powerful obstacles to overcome in your struggle to achieve the impossible. Don't ever let them win over the possibility of your dreams coming true.
    DRJ 2-Jan-11
