Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Drama. Drama. Drama. Drama is everywhere you look. It doesn't matter which position you play. You could be the beauty that everyone hates on or the one who does all the hating. It doesn't matter because it's going to follow you. Throughout life you are going to be challenged with all kinds of battles. It depends on what the outcomes become and how long these battles last. DEB told me that life it 5% what happens to you and 95% how you react to it. I had to really sit back and work out different scenarios in my head about that quote. About if I was rich or if I was poor. About if I went to this school or went to another. Or if I was black or white. All had different outcomes. In my scenarios I would picture someone at this school picking a fight with a well known aggressive girl in this school. They want to fight over a boy. I would picture how easy it is to fight her. Then picture someone else in like a Pittsburgh school. How if someone wanted to fight over a boy how that person can easily look at that person as if he/she was so insecure. How that they wouldn't fight over something so immature and would rather tell someone. It makes a difference.

Someone told me before that even the dirtiest n**** on the block has a hater. Meaning that you could be dirty of all dirty and people are still going to hate you. Hate you because you exist and is on this green earth. So when people decide to hate you and as you said (dump their garbage on you) smile, wave and walk away. At the end of the day you are who you are. Don't let no one take that from you.

1 comment:

  1. Another very fine and profound journal reflection by Takara Newsome!
    DRJ 01-Dec-10
