Sunday, November 7, 2010

If I didn't attend School Without Walls?.......

If I didn't attend School Without Walls.....

If I didn't attend this school I don't know where I would be right now. Many of us might not show it(me) butI love this school. I really do. Honesty speaking, I'm so much better here. There are so many oppurtunities that I took advantage of that I probably wouldn't have if I was at another school.

I'm passing all of my classes. I have been since the 7th grade. I haven't failed one marking period. That's so good for me considering my temper. You might not see it (because I never really have to show that side of me) but I'm really short tempered. Even though I put up with much and take in a lot I have my moments. I could only imagine if I went to Franklin, Marshall, Charlotte, or Wilson with my brothers, sisters, and cousins. I would show out that's what I would do. Not to brag or anything but, I'm like the most responsible person in my close family. Even more than some of the adults and that's kind of said. I'm going to school everyday, have two jobs. getting good grades, and I basically take care of my household. I have dreams.

Even me hanging around the wrong crowd for to long can put me on a diffeent path. At this school I'm able to concentrate and focus on what I have to do to succeed. Nnot only to get out of school. But even my life afterschool. So thanks!. More about my life than you ever knew!

1 comment:

  1. Takara, This is an amazing journal prompt and entry... maybe you could have this as part of your CPR activity/sharing?!

    DRJ 07-Nov-10
