Tuesday, November 9, 2010

If I could change one thing about society it would be....

If I could change one thing about society it would be teenage pregnancy and STDs. I hate the fact that teenage girls are just popping, out babies like it's nothing now a days. It's like it's cool or something. I just wish we had more self respect for ourselves and didn't just let people use and abuse us. it's just contagious and absurd. That's hard to explain but it's literally both. Contagious because once one person have one another thinks it's okay. Like she could do it and still be able to party plus have someone to love me and also keep me tied down to this dude that I think I love then why can't I do it. Like that's exactly what it seems like to me. I have many close friends and relatives that are pregnant of already have a baby. At first they were okay with it now they see how hard it really is. They just let their parents take care f them and leave. But I won't lie some people love it. Like my sister only 17 and happy because it seems as though she has a family. Something most people are less fortunate to have. But it's just something I think is for people much older like in their twenties or something.
And STDs because that's just absurd. You're 13 and stuck with an STD. That's crazy. To young to be going through that type of drama. And plus it has got so worse that everyone has to be really careful about who they have sex with no matter what age. I mean what you can contract can be deadly. So yeah we all need to get it together and fast.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that 3 out of 4 people in Rochester have some sort of STD? Whoa!
    DRJ 11-Jan-11
